Akhilesh Sabharwal's Picture

Thoughts and ideas on technology, design, history, and food.

Intelligence with integrity

I examine Apple’s innovative approach to integrating advanced AI technologies with a strong emphasis on privacy and user security, and how developers need to be advocating for responsible AI practices that respect both user privacy and the ethical dimensions of what goes to build this technology

Mind your language!!

Choice of language makes the web more inclusive at the fundamental level, and doing so is not adding any form of political bias. Its simple respect.

The purpose of life is to be happy

The timeless quest for happiness, from our ancestors to modern times, and its profound impact on our daily lives.

More than a new phone

Explore Apple's latest product launches, not just for their tech advancements but for their groundbreaking environmental commitments. Dive into the brand's sustainable initiatives, from recycled cobalt to carbon-neutral products, and discover how Apple is pioneering a greener future in technology.

The Birth of Life

Aadi Episode 3

How did the plants and animals of the world come to life? Who created man and gave him the dominion of the earth? Did a divinity create these, or cause them into being? Let's explore the creation of life and evolution in this chapter of Aadi.

Purusha Sukta

Original text and translation for the Purusa Sukta

Creation and Origin

Aadi Episode 2

Who created the universe? Was it a supreme being or something else? Is there a natural phenomenon behind creation? The answers to this and more as we discuss the creation of the world in this chapter of Aadi.

Hiranyagarbha Sukta

Original text and translation for the Hiranyagarbha Sukta

Nasadiya Sukta

Original text and translation for the Nasadiya Sukta


Aadi Episode 1

India's recorded history is one of the oldest and longest in the course of world history. The civilisations that formed on the banks of it's mighty rivers have given rise to a rich history, that spans time and space. It's unique geography and access to the sea have earned it the moniker of the subcontinent, and to many of it's people it gave a religion, but more than that a philosophy to a way of life. It created the Hindu.