
58 Articles

Life imitating Star Trek

How many people amongst us remember the crew of the USS Enterprise D running into an alien ship, – Up the ship’s captain comes in the viewscreen, and the message goes out – …

UK Wikipedia content filters removed

In what is obviously a win for net users worldwide, UK ISPs have removed the controversial filtering of conten that a governing body construed as possible child pornography. It was …

The great firewall of UK

Ok maybe not so dramatic… and maybe not as restrictive as the Chinese version… Yesterday, it was revealed that the UK is employing a transparent proxy – in the lines of the system …

Parallels 4.0 for Mac released on tuesday

With this release my need to run a seperate windows laptop has come to an absolute end. Parallels allows me to run my last remaining XP licence in Leopard and use the 3 or 4 …

Twitter - an effective marketing channel as told by the Mars Lander.

The NASA Mars Lander was a highly watched experiment, by the world’s scientific, space faring and geological community. The possibility of life on the Red Planet, and any fears of …

Will you get an iPhone legally?

On the 22nd of August, Apple in conjunction with Telecom partners worldwide will be releasing the iPhone in 15 Nations worldwide. India, Singapore and the Philippines lead the rush …

A 19 inch Monitor and Games a plenty

I recreated my home-media-server machine into a Roaring Gaming Monster (well, a little one anyway).

Has Google lost the ability to Innovate?

For a word that is almost synonomous with digital search, infact when you are looking for some information related to anything you more often than not ‘Google‘ it. ‘ But for a …